Windi® gas and colic relief testimonials
"I must say I'm impressed!"
"If your newborn is struggling with gas, I suggest you get Windi! It can relieve your baby’s discomfort in an easy and natural manner. The treatment takes a few minutes and your baby will feel the results immediately. I’ve already tried this product with Kirav and I must say I’m impressed!"
- Shan from You, Baby and I - one of South Africas biggest
parenting blogs - listed Windi as one of the top 15 must-have products for a newborn baby
"I'm so thankful for this product"
"This is the greatest! When my baby is gassy, it's pretty much instant relief! I'm so thankful for this product!"
- Terri Nicole
"Will continue to use for sure"
"My wife got a box of these. I was EXTREMELY skeptical. the first try worked unbelievably well. will continue use for sure. Baby had noticeable instant relief. shocking"
- Tyler
"Ek is n nuwe mamma"
"Ek is n nuwe mamma. Ons dogtertjie is 7weke oud. Ons het vreeslik gesukkel( en doen soms steeds) met krampe en winde. Ons het alles al probeer. Elke kramp middel op die mark. Ons het selfs n draai gemaak by die chiropractor. N vriendin het Ons vertel van die windi. Dit verskaf dadelike verligting en sal dit defnitief aambeveel. Vanoggend was weer een van daardie dae en nadat ons dit gebruik het het ons sommer n gelukkiger baba gehad."
- Lizelle
"It's such an amazing product!"
"I had my first baby earlier this year and like many other babies, she suffered horribly from excess gas to the point where she was constantly uncomfortable and she struggled to get any quality sleep at all. Like any mom would, I tried everything available on the market (colic drops, gripe water, visits to the chiro, massage techniques, the list goes on...) but nothing offered that immediate relief I was looking for- until I found out about Windi. I was quite suspicious at first, due to the somewhat unusual nature of the product, but the fact that it is widely used, sold and endorsed by the medical communities in Europe and America, and the fact that I got personal recommendations from other moms made me give it a try. Now I am a firm Windi believer and can highly recommend it to any mom with the same struggles! It's definitely worth a try."
- Sofia
"You could see the relief on his face"
"Our first baby had a lot of excess gas and he were screaming for several hours a day. As any parent would we tried everything we could to help him, but nothing really worked. A friend told us about Windi and we thought why not? To be honest, I was a bit suspicious and the first time we were going to use it we put it right back in the box. But a few minutes later, since our baby kept screaming, we decided to try and his red face and painful scream turned into a big smile. You could really see the relief on his face! And it worked just as well every time we needed to use it. And even though our second son didn’t suffer that much from excess gas, it was still great to have the Windi around the house for those smaller farts that often get stuck for most babies. I highly recommend Windi to other parents!"
- Karin
"Brought instant relief!"
"Brought my newborn instant relief from wind from the first time using Windi, also found it helped with her constipation too. Would definitely recommend this product if your little one is struggling!"
- Daniella
"Windi was a life saver!"
"Windi was a life saver and helped us avoid many sleepless nights, it really works amazingly. I would recommend it to all parents."
- Ryan
"Finally something that works!"
"Finally something that works. My baby used to struggle with winds and is still does but this little thing helps so so much! Somehow it is also helping him to pass gass naturally without using it. (Or maby its just me) anyway we have used it a few times and I just wanted to cry hearing how much wind comes out that was stuck in there and I can only imagine how painful it must be. So so glad we bought this! Thank you so much!!!"
- Nicole